Sunday, July 28, 2019

Observation of pre-school children in a strange situation Lab Report

Observation of pre-school children in a strange situation - Lab Report Example This study investigates the behavior of students in relation to the strange situation. It a plies a practical qualitative study on the response of children to strangers in comparison to their care givers. The "Strange Situation" is studied in this context based on the views of the psychologist Mary Ainsworth, in her devised procedure of Strange Situation for the testing of the quality of attachment of the infant to the mother and a stranger (Hans, Berstein & Sims, 2000). The method applied in this study uses the observation in real life and in accordance to the theory of secure attachment of the child to the caregiver, driven by confidence in his or her support. Through the attachment the child has a secure base which enables him or her to explore the world (Fraley & Spieker, 2003). The laboratory work focuses on the attachment-exploration balance as one of the methods of interest to the interaction between the preschool child in need of attachment as well as their dire need for the exploration of the environment. The second focus of the laboratory work is the secure-base phenomenon and the use of the attachment person (the care giver) to form the secure base, paving way for the exploration. This research uses two fundamental research methods in the evaluation of the behavior of children in the strange situation. One of the methods used is quantitative research methods. This involves the conversion of immeasurable behavioral qualities into measurable quantities for the purpose of statistical analysis. The second method it allies is the descriptive method in which it describes the relationship between the presence of and the absence of a stranger to the children response. It also describes the effects of the attachment to the parent in the behavior of the children. The designs of analysis pave way for three fundamental techniques, descriptive

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